Florida Registered Nurses May Help ALS Patients Enjoy Better Quality Lives

Roughly 30,000 individuals living in the United States are believed to be coping with the motor neuron disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

As registered nurses can attest, it is a progressive, deadly disease that eventually leads to muscle wasting, paralysis, respiratory and nutritional related health problems. As a result, the majority of ALS patients often find themselves unable to complete even the most routine of tasks without assistance. That, in turn, can negatively impact their lives.

For instance, the person’s increase in muscle cramps, decline in mobility and waning endurance levels could lead to an increased falls risk, a higher incident of pressure ulcers and a withdrawal from social obligations. Their difficulty swallowing, incidents of breathlessness and inability to hold objects without becoming fatigued could prove to be disastrous too. They could reasonably impede their ability to safely prepare foods, remain hydrated, stay alert, fend off infection and maintain proper nutrition.

On a positive note, hiring registered nurses to assist with in-home care and case oversight may help an ALS patient enjoy an elevated quality of life. For example, they can assist in the creation and modification of care plans that address the ALS patient’s unique needs. They may also be able to provide insight on new clinical trials that are taking place within the realm of ALS research and assist with Riluzole administration. The proper administration of Riluzole is crucial to the majority of ALS patients’ care. It is also vital to note that even when it is administered correctly, it has the potential to cause side effects that may exasperate the quality of life issues that we mentioned earlier.

With that said, people seeking registered nurses to provide in-home care to ALS patients should contact us at Best Care. We are a well respected, licensed, private nurses registry doing business in the State of Florida. And right now, we have highly trained, registered nurses available for hire in Dade, Palm Beach and Broward Counties.

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